Advanced Technology

iTero Digital Impressions

If you’ve ever had a bite impression taken using dental putty, then we bet it wasn’t exactly your favourite experience. Dental putty is messy, tastes bad, and even causes many patients to gag. This is why we’ve upgraded to doing digital impressions for crowns with our iTero system. With the iTero digital scanner, we can create a digital 3D image of your teeth in a matter of minutes, and the only thing patients will have to do is place your teeth on a small, handheld device. You’ll be able to see the image being created literally right in front of you. Not only is this process much more comfortable, but it also creates a more accurate model of the teeth. Using this impression, we can make sure your dental restorations will look great, feel even better, and last longer.

Intraoral Cameras

Ever wonder what your dentist sees whenever they look in your mouth? With an intraoral camera, we can show you! This small, camera-tipped wand can be comfortably maneuvered past the lips so that it captures high-resolution images of your teeth and gums. These images are instantly displayed on a large chair-side monitor and will not only make it easier for our team to catch dental problems, but they’ll also help you have a much better understanding of your dental health. This means you can make more confident and well-informed treatment decision!

Digital X-Rays

Compared to traditional X-rays, digital X-rays only take a fraction of the time to create images which allow us to look at the teeth and surrounding tissues with tremendous detail and accuracy. They also expose our patients to 90% LESS radiation. This technology enables us to provide more efficient care for our patients while also giving them peace of mind.

Nitrous Oxide Sedative

Nitrous oxide (laughing gas) is an effective form of analgesia to help reduce the anxiety that can be associated with dental care. This type of sedation can be requested for any dental procedure.