Cosmetic Dentistry

Invisalign Clear Braces

Are you an adult who would love to straighten your crooked, crowded, or gapped teeth, but you can’t imagine going to work or seeing friends with a mouthful of metal braces? If so, you could benefit from using Invisalign. Rather than relying on brackets and wires, Invisalign utilizes a series of custom-made clear plastic aligner trays to gently straighten the teeth. All a patient has to do is wear each one as directed in order to achieve their desired orthodontic improvements. It’s that simple! Adult patients love Invisalign because the trays themselves are practically invisible on the teeth, meaning they can smile confidently during treatment knowing no one will notice them. Plus, the trays are easily removable, so they can be taken off whenever a person needs to eat or brush their teeth. With Invisalign, you can get the straighter smile you’ve always wanted in the most discreet, comfortable, and effective way possible.

Teeth Whitening

Are your teeth looking a bit dull and discoloured? Everyday factors like coffee, wine, tobacco, aging, and even genetics can leave your smile not looking its brightest. Thankfully, professional teeth whitening treatments are able to quickly and effectively turn back the clock and give patients a stunningly white smile again.

If you’re looking to achieve lightning-fast results, we can give you a fast in-office treatment using polaoffice+. However, if you’d prefer to whiten in the comfort of your own home, custom-made kits are available as well. These kits are stronger and safer than anything you’ll find on store shelves or at the local pharmacy.

Porcelain Veneers

If your smile has multiple imperfections and you don’t know which one to address first, porcelain veneers can help you take care of them all at once! With this one procedure, we can:

  • Instantly whiten your teeth
  • Fix chips and cracks
  • Lengthen short teeth
  • Close gaps
  • Straighten slightly misaligned teeth

Veneers are extremely thin porcelain coverings that are bonded to the front of the teeth, and they can give you everything from a minor touch-up to a complete smile makeover.

Cosmetic Bonding

Do you have small chips, cracks, or gaps in your smile that throw off its entire look? To get rid of these annoying issues, we have a fast and effective treatment called direct bonding. Your dentist will apply a specially shaded composite resin to your tooth and use it to literally sculpt an addition that's the perfect shape and size to hide the imperfection. After getting your approval and hardening it with a curing light, you’re done! This treatment is so easy that it usually doesn’t require any anesthetic and can often be completed in less than an hour. It provides an affordable and attractive solution to embrace your smile.